Saturday 29 September 2012

啦啦啦 :)
今天又来PO歌啦 xD

Cover By Cristina Grimmie and Sam Tsui
[ they are top 15 youtube singer yo ;) ]
Awesome :D

Hmm ? :O
Nothin change of me
'he' become bad more now
SOMEBODY teach me bad bad thing lorh x(
#a sad case
Sure now i am give up from him ler~
So now i'm SINGLE . real SINGLE.
SINGLE means No Boyfriend , no like ppl x)
Maybe the SINGLE means doesn't that .
HAHA.actually I'm simple say de.
because the meanings of SINGLE for me is diffrent x)

Sometimes going out ,
then saw my Lover ;p
p/s : not that ''LOVER''
my lover is Rilakuma xD Dont think too much :P
Argh, i can saw it touch it hug it but I can't Buy it :'(
Like A Shit ow :( 

Oh ya, very confused of my Kerja .kursus
Cikgu cikgu , bolehkah kamu become a good teacher ?
Please dont give too much homework except the Kerja Kursus .
Actually at my school almost 80% teachers will give lots homework :o
Eh teacher , i also have homeworks from other teacher eh ?
not just YOU Give the homework only. other Teachers also have la ! and TUTION !
Shit again :x 


Monday 17 September 2012

Hmmm ? :O

Hey , long time yea ? :D
[ Oppa Gangnum Style ]
This song almost everybody sang it in the school /v\
HAHA, Especially my class :P
Actually i wasn't understang what he's sing and the Title !
OMG , Can i ask back ?  Who know they meaning of the Oppa Gangnum Style !?
Tell Me Yeea ;)
------------------------Another Title ;)
[ About Me ]
Hmmm.... doesn't want to write wad ><'''
Oh yea , About H-I-M.
Hmmm... i just know he likes a girl. But that's not me .
HAHA ( laugh wad ? :O )
Maybe I'l give up from Him.
-When I knew that, erm that feeling is hard to said. :'(
(Unhappy+ Sad + Worry ) ?
 Hug me hug me ! ;)  
Bye bye bye bye :D

Sunday 2 September 2012


Oh ya ! :)
Today is Sunday !

Yea , I miss H-I-M so much ! 
;( That's Feeling you Don't know !
Shit  :x

His smile so cute !  HAHA 
A short Post as I know it :P
Bye ^^